Water Industry News

Graham Mann On The Benefits Of Switching Water Supplier

Back in April 2017, the English retail water market opened up, bringing it in line with the gas and electricity markets, meaning that for the first time ever, eligible companies were able to compare business water suppliers and find one that better suited the individual needs of their operations.


In an exclusive interview with H2o Global News, Graham Mann – director and cofounder of Switch Water Supplier (SWS) – explains the benefits of switching and how using an online water tendering platform like SWS can help facilitate the process and make it far easier to find the best supplier for you and your brand.


There are all sorts of benefits associated with switching but, as Mr Mann says, the most obvious one is the reduction in bills that you’re likely to see, as a result.


This is often the reason behind making the decision to switch, but other benefits include improved value for money in the form of value-added services, as well as better customer service thanks to the more competitive market.


You’ll also be able to take advantage of finding a supplier with specific experience and expertise in your operational needs, and more help becoming a greener and more water-efficient business.


Because the market is so very new, it can be hard for companies to navigate and find the best supplier for them – which is where a platform like SWS can step in to help.


And it’s certainly worth noting that the organisation’s focus isn’t just on their customers but on the environment, as well, and it’s not just about finding the cheapest supplier out there. SWS also prioritises sustainability and water efficiency for all its clients, which is something that opening up the water retail market has really helped with.


The new market has helped to promote more efficient use of water, reduced carbon emissions as a result of a reduction in water consumption and an increase in technology and innovation… which businesses across all sectors and industries can now prioritise, as well.


Mr Mann said: “It’s all about the water efficiency and environmental sustainability- that’s the most important part. Sustainability has really taken hold in the UK and across the globe and needs to be focused on.


“When you subscribe to Switch Water Supplier it’s not just a case of buying the cheapest and leaving it at that- it is not just a switch and forget situation- it’s engaging with us for a number of years.


“We help our customers to become more water efficient; reduce their consumption, use water more efficiently through recycling, water conservation and leak detection and we’re seeing that customers really want to engage with water.”


He went on to say that the average customer can reduce water consumption by between 30 and 40 per cent – which is certainly good news, both for businesses and for the planet.