Our Code of Conduct

How SwitchWaterSupplier.com protects its customers in the non-household water market.

SwitchWaterSupplier.com was founded on the basis of bringing meaningful innovation and benefit to non-household water customers in England and Scotland.

That’s why we openly embrace the principles of Ofwat’s proposed codes of conduct for third-party intermediaries (TPIs), aimed at protecting customers.

SwitchWaterSupplier.com does not manage our customers’ accounts to the extent of entering in to water retail contracts or making payments to to suppliers on their behalf, which naturally demands a greater respect for the protection of the customer.

However, our services do require us to liaise with the water retail community on our customers’ behalf, providing the means by which non-household customers can run a tender for their water and wastewater services contracts and we also work closely with our customer existing water supplier to validate their bills, identify billing errors and have incorrect billing data corrected by working with the water retailer.

Since one of our founding principles is to provide an independent and impartial service, focusing on objective pursuits in the customer’s favour, we’ve always felt it important to adhere to a code of conduct that is clear to our customers.

Of Ofwat’s proposed principles for a voluntary TPI code of conduct, those that are specifically relevant to SwitchWaterSupplier.com’s services, and which we adopt, are:

  • As a TPI, we will be independent, fair, transparent and honest
  • Our communication with customers will be in plain and clear language
  • All information provided to our customers will be reliable and accurate (to the extent made possible by current market conditions and market data accuracy), complete, timely and not misleading. Such information shall be made through appropriate channels and enable customers to make informed choices
  • We will not offer products that are unnecessarily complex or confusing
  • We will not sell a customer a product or service that is inappropriate for that customer’s needs and circumstances
  • We will not exaggerate the savings that could be achieved by switching, but will endeavour to be as accurate as possible
  • We will respond to our customers in an appropriate and timely manner
  • Our customer service arrangements and processes will be accessible to and effective for our customers

Ofwat’s Principles for Voluntary TPI Codes of Conduct

Ofwat’s document summarises the key issues raised in its consultation and provides its responses and finalised principles for the adoption of a voluntary code of conduct for TPIs operating in the non-household water retail market.

For more information our services, please call 03300 552532 or email hello@switchwatersupplier.com